First Name
Last Name
Email Address
I acknowledge and agree to an hourly $ minimum wage pay, plus will be additionally compensated with tips, as well as a rich education in all the topics listed above with the proper support.
I acknowledge Flatlands Coffee values diversity and inclusion, viewing all people as equal, important, and intelligent, and I will be required to showcase that same value.
I acknowledge I will be expected to, and I agree to assist in Flatlands local mobile locations (such as farmers markets) in addition to the main café barista role.
I understand that I will be trained and expected to perform to the standard of a career-level job. The members of Flatlands Coffee are held to higher expectations than many coffee shops, as we aim to grow and expand into an organization with coffee career opportunities.
I accept the challenge of flexibility and open-minded, creative thinking (a requirement since Flatlands Coffee experiences unique challenges from continually innovating, changing, adapting, and growing).
I am committed to assisting the growth and success of Flatlands Coffee; I understand I will be asked to complete simple tasks outside of what my job title assumes, to better the company.
I accept the challenge of continual, thorough cleaning and understand it constitutes half the job. I recognize a lot of my time will be spent cleaning, which includes, but is not limited to, thoroughly cleaning public restrooms.
I accept the challenge of maintaining high energy throughout entire shifts on my feet; I understand hustle and speed is expected.
I accept the challenge of not having designated breaks; due to the nature of the business; I understand I will be permitted reasonable breaks only when appropriate.
I accept the challenge of sometimes working alone and sometimes working with others.
I accept the challenge of extremely detailed and meticulous tasks required for this job.
Are you at least 18 years of age?
Can you work weekends/Bank Holidays?
Are you able to work starting as early as 6:00am and as late as 9:00pm (not within the same day)?
Are you available for full-time employment (not a requirement)?
Initially, how many hours per week would you hope to work?
If your availability will be changing for the next upcoming school semester, or summer months, please list this new availability (if known).
Do you consider this area to be your "permanent" address? If not, will you be around during school breaks?
If you receive this job, where will you be commuting from and how do you plan to get here?
Please check any area of interest (previous training is not required).
Barista Work (Operating Coffee Shop)
What else will you be involved in, if you receive this job?
Part-Time School
Full-Time School
Part-Time Second Job
Full-Time Second Job
Another Responsibility That Affects My Availability
Nothing Significant
If selected "Another Responsibility That Affects My Availability," please explain.
If you plan to work a second job along with this position, please briefly explain how you foresee the juggle of two workplaces?
What is the highest level of education you've achieved?
Some High School
High School Graduate
General Equivalency Diploma
Some College
College Graduate
If in college, what school do you attend? What is your major? When do you expect to graduate?
Please list your previous places of employment, dates worked there, and your main responsibilities.
If you're planning to leave a current job or recently left a job, please describe what led to this change.
Please tell us about a time you experienced miscommunication in the workplace in a way that affected you (please describe the situation from beginning to end, who made the miscommunication, and what happened afterward).
Please list your interests outside of work.
Do you brew coffee and/or tea at home? If so, what do you use to brew it?
Have we had the privilege of serving you before? If so, based upon your experience, please list what you'd guess our core values are (this is to help evaluate ourselves and will not affect our hiring decision).
If we've served you before, please briefly describe your experience and your purchased item(s) in 3-5 sentences.
Please describe why you would like to join our team at Flatlands Coffee.
Please tell us in what ways you feel you'd personally add to the team.
Please describe what you imagine/hope this job is like.
Please describe the core values pressed upon you while growing up. Do you still agree with these?
Please list any known food allergies or dietary restrictions.
Is there anything else you think we should know concerning your application?